1993 Estienne School of Art - Applied Arts, Paris
1995 École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Elizabeth Colomba Mythologies,Portland Museum of Art, Maine, May 5-September 3, 2023 Diaspora Stories: CCH Pounder Collection, Chicago, The DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center, March 18-July 16, 2023
Elegies: Still Lifes in Contemporary Art, Savannah, GA, Jepson Center, Telfair Museum, September 16, 2022-February 19, 2023
Art in Embassies, American embassy - Berlin, Germany.
Elegies: Still Lifes in Contemporary Art, Telfair museum - Savannah, Georgia.
Contemporary Dialogues in The American Wing - The Metropolitan museum of Art - New York, NY.
3 Continents : Colomba Meurisse Modan - Philippe Labaune Gallery, New York, NY
Elegies: Still Lifes in Contemporary Art, MOAD - San Francisco, California.
Elizabeth Colomba: Repainting the Story, Princeton Museum in Bainbridge - Princeton New Jersey.
Black American portraits, LACMA - Los Angeles, California. Nov 7, 2021–Apr 17, 2022
100 Women, 100 years, Park Avenue Armory, New York, NY, November to permanent.
Taking Space, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts - PAFA
Catalyst, art and social justice, Gracie Mansion, New York
Queen: The Charles H. Wright Museum Of African American History, Detroit, MI
Painting it’s its own country, Harvey B. Gantt Center forx African-American Arts + Culture at Levine Center for the Arts Charlotte, NC
She Persists: A Century of Women Artists in New York, Gracie mansion, February 4 2019 2018 through December, New York
Get up, Stand Up, June 12 to September 15 2019, Somerset House, Strand, London
American Psyche, the Elizabeth Foundation of the Arts, February 5 - April 15 2019, New York
Posing Modernity: The Black Model From Manet to Matisse and Beyond , Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, October 24 2018– February 10 2019, New York
Face Forward, Carroll Square Gallery, September 7 – December 7 2018, Washington D.C.
Four Seasons, The Elms, June 26, 2018 - October 14, 2018, Newport, RI
Revealing Interiors, Princeton University Art Museum, May 5 – October 28 2018, Princeton, NJ
Harlem Perspectives, Faction Art Projects, 20 Apr – 13 May 2018, Harlem, NY
Island Might, No commission, Miami Basel
Uptown, Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, June 2, through August 20, 2017, New York
Re-imagining a Safe Space, New York University Tisch School of the Arts, March 30 through October 20, 2017, New York
Selling the Shadow P. 1, Gallery MOMO, Cape Town
The Pineapple Show, Tiwani Contemporary, London
The Moon is my only luxury, Long Gallery Harlem, New York
ReSignifications, Fondazione Biagotti Progetto Arte, Florence
Face Time: New Portraiture Now, Ground Floor Gallery, New York
International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Martinique (BIAC), Martinique
Voices of Home, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, New York
Voices of Home, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, San Francisco
Standing With Papa Legba, Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute,
New York
Curate NYC, Rush Arts Gallery, New York
Crown Heights Gold, Skylight Gallery, New York
Mysterious Objects: Portraits of Joan Quinn, Santa Ana College Main Room, Santa Ana.
Our History is our Strength, UBS Art gallery, Stamford, Connecticut.
Fashioned In Time, Rush Arts Gallery, New York
Ain’t I a Woman, MoCADA, New York
Bon Vivant Gallery, Philadelphia
There is No Looking Glass Here, 60 Wall Gallery, Deutsche Bank, New York
The Bridge Gallery, Los Angeles
The Arts Council, Greenwood
In the Courtyard: Contemporary Women Artists, California African American Museum, 2009 Los Angeles
Cooperative, Pounder-Kone Artspace, Hollywood
Fondation Balthus, Rossiniere, Switzerland
L’Art a la source Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland
Fondation Balthus, Rossiniere, Switzerland
Anna Arabindan-Kesson. Biddy Mason, Asap Journal Art, August 2022.
157 of Juneteenth, cover of the New Yorker, June 19th 2022.
At Elizabeth Colomba’s Debut Museum Show, Black Women Are Finally Getting Their Due, Art News, April 2022
Jill Jones, “Uncovering: Elizabeth Colomba by Jill Jones,” Ubikwist, issue 13, November 13, 2021
Chris Gardner, “Tribeca Festival and Chanel Present ‘Art Is New York/New York Is Art’ Featuring Works by 60 Artists,” The Hollywood Reporter, June 7, 2021
Megan Voeller, “For ‘Taking Space’ at PAFA, women artists are as monumental as they want to be,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 1, 2021
Susan Stamberg, “In One Art Exhibition, Women Are ‘Taking Space’ They’ve Long Deserved,” NPR, February 25, 2021
“The Badass 50", InStyle Magazine, February 2019, p. 46
Kazanjian, Dodie. “Portrait Mode", Vogue Magazine, October 2018,
Kazanjian, Dodie. “Portrait Mode", Vogue Korea Magazine, December 2018, p. 254
Arabindan-Kesson, Anna. “Portraits in Black: Styling, Space, and Self in the Work of Barkley L. Hendricks and Elizabeth Colomba,” Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, Volume 38-39. p. 70
Brooks, Kalia. “Interview.” Ubikwist Magazine, Volume 3. Fall 2016. p. 214
Colomba, Elizabeth. “Reclaiming History: A Visual Essay,” Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, Volume 38-39. p. 196
Jackson, Ayana V. “The black women that art history forgot,” Blog. True Africa. May 3, 2016.
Koushyar, Arman. “Strange Fruit: The Pineapple Show” Blog. IAM: Intense Art Magazine. September 8, 2016.
Monique Long, editor. The Moon is my only luxury, exhibition catalogue, May 1– June 26, 2016, Long Gallery Harlem. New York.
Trigg, Sarah. “Tour an Artist’s Light-Filled Parisian-Style Studio in Harlem,” New York Magazine, The Cut. Blog. New York. April 22, 2016. (In conjunction with New York Magazine’s Art and Design issue)
Ward, Kelvin. “The Moon is my only luxury,” Vlog. The Bholdr. New York. May 14, 2016.
Ellyn Mary Toscano and Awam Amkpa, eds. ReSignifications: European Blackamoors, Africana Readings, exhibition catalogue, May 29 through August 29, 2015, New York University. Florence
Long, Monique. “If You Like…”, Studio: The Studio Museum in Harlem Magazine, Summer/Fall 2013, p. 45.
Arc Magazine. “Exhibition: I Am Woman, new paintings by Elizabeth Colomba,” ARC Magazine. November 13, 2012, p. 36
Martinez, Vanessa. “The Impressive Profile of French Film Storyboard Artist and Painter Elizabeth Colomba,” Blog. Indiewire. Los Angeles. April 3, 2012.
Stacy Davies and Charlie Scheips, eds. Mysterious Objects: Portraits of Joan Quinn, exhibition catalogue, September 12 – November 1, 2011, Santa Ana College Foundation. Santa Ana.
Kidane, Zemen ““Ain’t I A Woman” Blog. Revisited: Getting to know the Artists,” Black Atlantic Resource Debate. March 28, 2011.
Massara, Kathleen.“Who Ain’t A Woman?” L Magazine. August 4, 2010.
“There is No Looking Glass Here: The current exhibition at the Wall Gallery of Deutsche Bank,” Deutsche Bank Art Magazine, p. 12.
2009 Crockett, Tamara. “The Color Guard”, Upscale magazine, August 2009, p. 90.
Love, Graham. “Art fills Uptown,” The Index Journal, February 2009, p. 2A.
Awarded Headlands residency
Awarded the NYSCA/NYFA Fellowship for Painting
Voice Of A Woman award
Athena (2013) was awarded to the winners of the Albert Maysles New Documentary Director Prize at the Tribeca Film Festival (along with a twenty-five thousand dollar cash prize).
In America: An Anthology of Fashion, The Metropolitan museum of Art, collaboration with Andrew Bolton, May 7 – September 5, 2022
Fictions of Emancipation: Carpeaux Recast, writing statement on view,The Metropolitan museum of Art, March 10, 2022 – March 5, 2023
Speaking engagement, Barnard College, April 2022
Speaking engagement, Barnard College, October 2022
In conversation with with Thabisile Griffin at ICLS Postdoctoral Fellow in Global Racisms, March 2022
Visiting artist, Marshall Academy Lower School 5th grade, May 6th 2022
Speaking engagement - Metropolitan Museum of Art, Panel discussion with Corinna Gardner, Allison Glenn, Mariana Valencia, Hrag Vartanian.
Group critique PAFA
Speaking engagement - PAFA, In Conversation with Jodi Throckmorton
Speaking engagement - The Studio Museum in Harlem, In Conversation with Connie Cho
Speaking engagement - Panel discussion with Thomas Thurston, Ashley James, Frank Mitchell.
Director of a film for the Metropolitan Opera's MetShorts series, CENDRILLON featuring Grace Bol. Premiere: Live at the Met: Saturday, April 28, 2018.
The Library (Oil on canvas, 2005) is adapted for the cover of the paperback edition of FALSE LIGHTS, a novel of historical fiction by K. J. Whittaker. WHITTAKER, K.J. False Lights. S.l.: HEAD OF ZEUS, 2018. Print.
Jury for AIGA scholarship
Fashioning the Self, Conference: Fashioning the Black Body in Bondage and Freedom, Brooklyn, panelist/presenter.
Black Portraitures, Conference: Black Portraitures III: Reinventions, Strains of Histories and Culture, Johannesburg, panelist/presenter.
Black Portraitures, Conference: Black Portraitures II: Imaging the Black Body and Restaging Histories, Florence, panelist and participant in dedicated group exhibition
Black Portraitures, Conference: Black Portraitures: The Black Body in the West, Paris, panelist/presenter
Park Avenue Armory
PAFA - Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
JPMorgan Chase
Princeton University
The Studio Museum in Harlem